
Partner Organizations

ATTN has partnered with organizations to promote our ongoing collaborative relationship to share tools together to expand awareness and outreach.

Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness (CanBeWell)

The Canadian Association of BioEnergetic Wellness (CanBeWell) brings together members from across Canada, and around the world. We are the umbrella organization for the many Bioenergetic Wellness disciplines and modalities represented in Canada. We actively encourage the pursuit of well-being and self-care for all, advocating for choices in health and wellness. Our association is a not-for-profit organization, registered in Canada. Our purpose is to support CONNECTION, EDUCATION, COMMUNITY OUTREACH and ADVOCACY.

Canadian & International Therapeutic Touch Networks

We hope you will take another few moments and go to some of the other Canadian Therapeutic Touch Network sites.

Canada (TTNC)

Therapeutic Touch Networks of Canada / Les Reseaux Toucher Therapeutique du Canada This is the umbrella organization for all regional Therapeutic Touch Networks of Canada Contact: Marion Cameron

Prairie Network

Therapeutic Touch Prairie Network

British Columbia (BCTTNS)

British Columbia Therapeutic Touch Network Society


Manitoba Therapeutic Touch Network

Ontario (TTNO)

Therapeutic Touch Network of Ontario

Therapeutic Touch Network of Quebec (TTNQ)

Therapeutic Touch International Association (TTIA)

Facilitators at ATTN Spring Conferences

Dr. Barbara Cull-Wilby

Dr. Barbara Cull-Wilby: was one of the presenters at the 2019 ATTN Conference; sharing her site below for you to read some of the articles by her. She was a friend of Dora van Gelder Kunz, co-founder of Therapeutic Touch®

Sue Conlin, BA, QTTT

Sue Conlin, BA, QTTT has been practicing Therapeutic Touch® since 1990, teaching TT since 1998, and has studied extensively with the co-creator of Therapeutic Touch, Dolores Krieger PhD, RN, Professor Emerita of NYU College of Nursing. Sue is the Past President, and the current Operations Manager of Therapeutic Touch International Association (TTIA) and is credentialed by Nurse Healers Professional Associates International, Inc., the educational arm of Therapeutic Touch International Association (TTIA). She is on the Education Committee of TTIA, and helped write the current teaching guidelines for Therapeutic Touch. She is the Coordinator of Volunteers for the Ellis Medicine Integrative Therapies Program. Sue was the keynote speaker in 2018 at ATTN Annual Conference.

Michelle Greenwell

Michelle Greenwell is from Mabou, NS and is a bioenergetic wellness facilitator specializing in movement, (dance, Tai Chi, somatics). She is a Therapeutic Touch Foundations instructor, co-creator of the TT for Families course, a Touch for Health instructor, co-creator of Raising BioEnergetic Awareness programming, and a doctoral candidate in Integrative Health with Akamai University. Michelle was ATTN’s keynote speaker for our annual conference in 2015 and 2017, as well as a presenter at the International Conference for TTIA in 2019.

Laurence Marie

Laurence Marie from Moncton, NB, is a Harp Therapist which is an art, based on the science of sound.

Connie Robichaud, R.I.H.R.

Connie Robichaud from Kentville, NS is a Spiritual Psychotherapist and Hypnotherapist 902-778-1136

Natascha Polomski

Natascha is your guide through the fantastic exploration of sound, vibration, frequency and healing. Keynote speaker at ATTN's 2015 and 2017 Annual Conference

Diane May

Diane May is an RN and is Past President of the Therapeutic Touch Network(Ontario)Canada, serving on the TTNO Board for over a decade, and the Past President of Therapeutic Touch International. Diane is the author of popular books, The Therapeutic Touch Handbook Series, and an Accompaniment CD of Selected Meditations and Exercises. Diane was a past keynote speaker at our ATTN Spring Conference.